It was a big leap towards Global health when United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution for declaring 21st June as World Yoga Day. Yoga has achieved world wide reputation as an Ancient yet scientific Health practice. Sanskrit word “Yoga” literally means Union – the union of Body with consciousness and consciousness with soul. Yoga believes that there is a consciousness in every particle of universe including our body. Modern science see this consciousness as “Energy”. The body, mind and energies of an individual have to be in absolute harmony to remain healthy. Our creativity or our ability to perform depends upon this harmony.
Foundation of this resolution was laid down in September 2014 in UN General Assembly when Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi for efforts to ensure sustainable development and universal wellbeing. As he said ai???yoga is an invaluable gift of our ancient tradition. It is not about exercise, itai??i??s a path through which an individual can discover his sense of oneness with nature”. Taking this forward International Yoga day was proposed and it got overwhelming acceptance by 177 Nations out of total 193 countries. This is itself a historic moment for United Nations as no other resolution have ever received such a massive response. This broad acceptance of resolutions clearly shows that Yoga has an immense potential of bring not just Human wellbeing but Global Unity too.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon understand the benefit of Yoga and said , ai???yoga can bring communities together in an inclusive manner that generates respect. The diverse benefits it bringsai???, he added, ai???includes helping people deal with stress in emergency UNGA President Sam Kahamba Kutesa congratulated Modi for taking the initiative, saying name of sex tablets. that the adoption of the resolution with overwhelming support demonstrated how both the tangible and unseen benefits of yoga appealed to people around the world.
Now its our job to garner benefits of this declaration, when whole world is looking for a Healthy lifestyle which should be in harmony with nature. The Vision associated with the declaration of Yoga Day remains unfulfilled if it does not reach to every single citizen of this universe. We are committed to promote awareness about benefits of Yoga and help people in adopting it as part of healthy lifestyle.
List of countries which supported resolution on International Yoga Day in UN General Assembly :
Afghanistan | Germany | Papua New Guinea |
Albania | Ghana | Paraguay |
Algeria | Greece | Peru |
Andorra | Grenada | Philippines |
Angola | Guatemala | Poland |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guinea | Portugal |
Argentina | Guinea-Bissau | Qatar |
Armenia | Guyana | Republic of Korea |
Australia | Haiti | Republic of Moldova |
Austria | Honduras | Romania |
Azerbaijan | Hungary | Russian Federation |
Bahamas | Iceland | Rwanda |
Bahrain | India | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Bangladesh | Indonesia | Saint Lucia |
Barbados | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Belarus | Iraq | Samoa |
Belgium | Ireland | San Marino |
Belize | Israel | Sao Tome and Principe |
Benin | Italy | Senegal |
Bhutan | Jamaica | Serbia |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)] | Japan | Seychelles |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Jordan | Sierra Leone |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Singapore |
Brazil | Kenya | Slovakia |
Bulgaria | Kiribati | Slovenia |
Burundi | Kuwait | Somalia |
Cabo Verde | Kyrgyzstan | South Africa |
Cambodia | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | South Sudan |
Canada | Latvia | Spain |
Central African Republic | Lebanon | Sri Lanka |
Chad | Lesotho | Sudan |
Chile | Liberia | Suriname |
China | Liechtenstein | Sweden |
Colombia | Lithuania | Syrian Arab Republic |
Comoros | Luxembourg | Tajikistan |
Congo | Madagascar | Thailand |
Costa Rica | Malawi | The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
Cote d’Ivoire !Ai??CA?te d’Ivoire | Maldives | Timor-Leste |
Croatia | Mali | Togo |
Cuba | Malta | Tonga |
Cyprus | Marshall Islands | Trinidad and Tobago |
Czech Republic | Mauritius | Tunisia |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Mexico | Turkey |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Micronesia (Federated States of) | Turkmenistan |
Denmark | Mongolia | Tuvalu |
Djibouti | Montenegro | Uganda |
Dominica | Morocco | Ukraine |
Dominican Republic | Mozambique | United Arab Emirates |
Ecuador | Myanmar | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Egypt | Nauru | United Republic of Tanzania |
El Salvador | Nepal | United States of America |
Equatorial Guinea | Netherlands | Uruguay |
Eritrea | New Zealand | Uzbekistan |
Ethiopia | Nicaragua | Vanuatu |
Fiji | Niger | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Finland | Nigeria | Viet Nam |
France | Norway | Yemen |
Gabon | Oman | Zimbabwe |
Gambia | Palau | |
Georgia | Panama |